On the other side of discomfort is fun.

This is a favorite helpful thought.

And it will be true about Covid 19 someday soon. My husband called me a doctor geek after I spent more than a few minutes watching the fed ex planes take off with vaccines...

A year ago, when I was just starting my business, this thought about discomfort and fun also inspired me.

This week it came full circle - it was the perfect thought to inspire action for a physician client I am helping to start her own business. When her brain thought of the fun she was creating with her business it was all less anxiety-provoking and much more fun.

I came to this thought initially in a roundabout way. I share the story to help you see the power of specific words and why getting help to find your specific words that inspire and empower is magic.

My habitual thoughts about doing new and unfamiliar things- even if they were things I wanted to do- used to be that they would involve “hard work” and lead to defined goals. This is what got through medical training and parenting littles. Not as inspiring as thinking about fun.

These last few years I have been doing so many new things I have never done before —building a business, helping to run a mindful healthcare collective, starting a podcast, teaching yoga on zoom, writing a blog, running coaching programs within Pause and Presence and for institutions. They all involved a lot of discomfort and hard work and they all also involved and led to fun.

In coach training I was introduced to the specific thought: “discomfort is the currency of your dreams.”

This thought inspired me to embrace discomfort rather than resist it.

But, because we all have unique brains, it wasn’t a great thought for me personally.

It invoked a bit of stress AND it wasn’t strong enough to inspire me to action.

This is what a coach helps you learn to see.

For me - and perhaps for some of you - adding fun into it was the missing ingredient.

This lessened the stress and left me excited and energized. This led me to do hard things.

Finding just the right thoughts and words for you is fun.

And it is the currency of your dreams.

If you want help finding the right thoughts for you-- I can help. On the other side is fun.


May Your Choices Reflect Hope


What's Enough