What's Enough


Is such a weighted word.

At least for me.

I try to not think about enough or not enough.

To me, it is heavy and there is potential judgment in it.

And if I am enough is someone else not enough?

If there is enough, then there is also not enough.

Have I done enough?

When someone says you are enough or I say it to myself …. It rings hollow.

Mindfulness and coaching helped me to focus on who I am.

What I am.

What makes me unique and authentic.

How I am wise and experienced in my own way.

From this space, I don’t have to see enoughness.

Or a destination I am not at yet.

We are all on different paths towards different dreams at different times.

No better or worse

Or enough or not enough.

We are just where we are.

On a journey.

A long one.

I like to focus on love.

What do I love?

What do others love?

What do I love about others?

How do I want to share and spread love?

Love leads to a feeling of fullness, completeness, and wholeness.

I taught a yoga class recently about what is enough?

Not just whether you are enough,

but what is enough effort?

Enough accomplishments?

When have you done enough striving, doing, changing?

Life isn’t supposed to be a “self-improvement project.”

It is about living.

In the moment.

What if you fully owned and experienced and even enjoyed where you are in the present - right now?

What might happen?

This is the gift of pause and presence.

You can see that right now is "mostly good."

You can move forward from a place of strength.

Many worry that letting go of striving or pushing and enjoying where they are will lead to complacency or “getting behind.”

In my experience, it leads to exactly the opposite.

Pausing to be in the present is where we experience the amazing and CREATE the amazing.


When we enjoy where we are going.

There is no rush.

Be in the moment.

Whatever it looks like.

Exactly as it is.

Messy, lazy, funny, full of love.

This is what mindfulness and coaching help you do.


On the other side of discomfort is fun.


A Bumpy Ride