A Bumpy Ride

I shared my thoughts on my journey in support of two different struggling colleagues this week. I received so much feedback that it was helpful, I decided to be vulnerable and share with all of you.

I resigned from my long-time job as a pediatrician 10 months ago. I had worked there for 21 years.

I loved being a pediatrician.

I thrived as a physician leader.

I was passionate about physician wellness, supporting my colleagues, and changing the culture of medicine.

And I was ready for something new.

A new perspective.

New growth.

It has been a BUMPY ride since then.

Because ALL big decisions are bumpy.

Even if you know it is a “good decision.”

Our brains always tell us it isn't.

And second guess, even if you are shifting course to something you are passionate about, talented at, and is also impactful.

I know first-hand that many of you also struggle with decision-making.

Especially when they feel like/are "big" decisions.

I didn’t get into medicine or pediatrics by accident.

I was committed to the work and the mission.

I also can want to grow and evolve and make an impact in the world in a different way.

Useful thoughts from my bumpy ride:

Feeling conflicted is normal.

Regret is normal.

"Of course" regret, doubt, conflict, fear, and anxiety, come up.

Because I am human.

When I allow the discomfort and conflict,

It moves through me much more quickly than when I resist.

When I say “Of course” I am conflicted,

I am able to move forward once again, calm and grounded, towards my dreams ahead.

My most helpful thoughts -- gleaned through mindfulness and my own coaching:

You can LOVE something and leave it.

You can be GREAT at something and leave it

What will the world miss out on if you don’t take this new path?

What will you and others miss out on if you don't step into your uniqueness and passion?

You bring all of you-- including your wisdom, experience, and training to everything else that you do.

Version 2.0 is an upgrade and still includes all the wisdom and learnings gained in Version 1.0.

We are all on different paths to different dreams at different times.

Each decision is just a decision.

A fork in the road.

Dreams evolve and change over time.

You get to decide to make whatever decision you make the RIGHT decision.

If you decide it is a great decision it will be-- no matter the outcome.

When you second guess yourself and indulge in doubt, you make it not as good a decision.

“Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive and do that.

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive”

Each decision is but one step.

There are many more forks and steps ahead.

What if it turns out way better than you expect?

So far it has for me.

Even with the BUMPY human ride.

If any of you are struggling with decisions, reach out.

Coaching doesn't always lead to changing your circumstances, whether it be a job, a relationship, or something else. Very often the issue is seeing that you actually love being exactly where you are. You just couldn't see it through the mind clutter and fog on your glasses.

Here is not necessarily better than there.

That's why there is so much conflict.

It’s not here vs there at all.

The secret is to learn to enjoy wherever you are.

And know there are many more forks ahead.


What's Enough


The Right Time