Mindful of Comparisons

The beauty and freedom of being able to do and learn yoga in your “own zoom box” - gets brought up by many who attend my classes these days. Especially yoga newbies.

But comparing ourselves to others is an issue that goes far beyond yoga for so many of us.

We think it helps us and pushes us forward to work hard and achieve more

but more often than not it gets in our way.

It leads to shame, frustration, and less growth than we otherwise would have.

Certainly less joy, presence, connection, and feeling good.

What if our brains could learn to not make a comparison or feeling less than an issue?

Like it isn’t an issue in the zoom box in yoga.

Telling ourselves to not make it an issue or to put on blinders doesn’t work well for me.

It is a bit like resisting reality or white-knuckling it.

I offered in yoga Saturday morning an option instead of connecting with your strengths, your flow state ,and your true essence.

As a way “around” the struggle.

A mindful and easeful path to a better way.

I offered the idea of seeing myself -and my work as a farmers market cup of Apple -Kale-Lemon juice. Perhaps a strange analogy-and fitting I think.











Goes down easy.

Gives you energy.

Helps you feel better.

High value...

Much more to expound on with the juice analogy another day…

So much inspiration love and potential in it.

Which is why my brain was happy to enjoy focusing on it and growing an inner sense of self and strength through it.

What could the juice analogy be for you?

What could you tap into, focus on, and enjoy about yourself and your strengths?

So you can get out of your old patterns and unhelpful habits

and start enjoying life, feeling better, and being you more.

Join me for yoga and/or coaching to get started on this journey.

Its fun and smooth and goes down easy, like a perfect cup of freshly squeezed Apple-Kale-Lemon juice,

outside at a farmers market,

with a beautiful bunch of flowers in hand,

on a sunny day,

with a friend or loved one.

The yoga class is up on youtube,

a new podcast on UnBecoming released on Sunday,

I encourage you to connect with me to see how coaching can help you,

And consider joining me for a future yoga class.


Sharing My Vision of Healing the Healers


Mindful Decision-Making