Sharing My Vision of Healing the Healers

Exciting to have spent most of the week in 1st place in my Yoga Journal quest. Thank you all for the support. You will have plenty of opportunities to cast daily votes as the contest has multiple rounds…

Why do I want to share my vision of teaching and sharing the powers of yoga, mindfulness, and mindset work with those in healthcare?

Because practicing medicine takes a toll.

Everyone needs and deserves nourishment and healing as humans.

And what you learn “on the mat,” you carry with you “off the mat.”

Our world needs more pausing, noticing, awareness, kindness, breathing spaciousness, compassion, and purposeful attention and intention.

When these tools are shared and taught a colleague in medicine they can be specifically tailored to the shared experience and common growth and pain areas of those who do this important work.

Yoga and mindset work for healers and caregivers of all kinds helps prevent burnout and exhaustion.

The release, rest, clarity, space, and healing discovered and enjoyed help all of us connect better with those we love and those we care for.

We all benefit.

The icing on the cake is that we are often inspired to share our growth and experience with others.

Making the potential impact on health happiness and Ahimsa- do no harm - huge

“Yoga is not about the pose but who you are in the pose.”

When we nourish ourselves with a guide- coach, yoga teacher, or in my case both,

not only are we much healthier and happier,

but we can also bring more compassion, value, and intention to our caring of others and ourselves.

This is what I aspire to share more broadly.

Whether through mindful coaching or yoga.

All of us care for others in some way whether in healthcare, at home, or in our communities.

When we gift ourselves this work, the world benefits.

As we re-emerge after a year of quarantine, we all need this more than ever.

Yoga and mindful coaching are specific mind-body antidotes to trauma, physical and mental fatigue, burnout, and isolation.

They help to heal, strengthen, and center.

This opportunity to be featured in Yoga Journal is interestingly also a fundraiser to support yoga for veterans and first responders. A very much aligned mission.

Yoga and coaching can help everyone develop mindful presence and

stretch and twist,

both mind and body.

They can help you optimize your breathing and your thinking.

And release tension and old trauma.

Create diastole and space - both literal and figurative.

When we create more space in that spot behind our heart, that often feels stuck, and allow our heart to fill more fully- it leads to more effective and nourishing systole— the literal squeeze of the heart, that replenishes and heals us.

Yoga and coaching are a gift of healing and relief and feeling better.

A chance to nourish, strengthen, and ground.

To be curious and make connections with yourself and others.

Whether you work in health care or not, if you haven’t tried yoga or mindful coaching, and want to heal grow and optimize both diastole and systole—

I invite you to join me and see how they can help you.

As we re-emerge into a shared physical world, I am hopeful that things will be better for all.

More of the Savasana feeling- on the mat and off will help for sure.

My wish for all of you-

May you be happy

May you be healthy in mind and body

May you be peaceful

May you experience more ease

May you gift yourself yoga and coaching and start to discover a life better lived.

Thank you all for your continued support




Mindful of Comparisons