The DMV in a pandemic is a great place to practice mindfulness and self-coaching.

Of course there were long lines. Of course they yelled at people. Of course they said we “couldn’t have an appointment at the time we did. And then decided that our confirmation meant we did.

The DMV was exactly how it should have been because it was.

Behind my mask, I took lots of deep breaths.

Accepted but did not like.

Let things go.

Focused on what was in my control and not what wasn’t.

Noticed what I needed and attend to it as much as possible.

The DMV hasn’t changed.

In fact the lines were longer and wearing a mask made it hotter and more stuffy.

My experience of it though was way better- more calm, not frustrated, at peace.

These tools really work.

Next up- riding in a car with a teenager learning to drive.

An opportunity to practice mindfulness and coaching.

Every coaching tool will likely come in handy.

Breathing deeply,

practicing being in the moment,

noticing without judgment

asking good questions

telling useful stories

letting go of my manual

and lots of grace and compassion all around

I see much fodder ahead in this journey for a future podcast episode, blog posts and yoga class themes.

With this mindset ,I am almost looking forward to it.

What could coaching and mindset tools help you with?


An Unfamiliar Path


Sharing My Vision of Healing the Healers