"Tender Self-Acceptance"

This passage spoke to me.

“At some point on the journey, you may reach a point where you want to ease the throttle of transformation. Not where you stop growing, but where you stop utilizing your will to affect personal change. You’re still growthful, but it’s different. It’s gentler, and it’s more about accepting what is, than changing it. You reach a place where you are more embracing of who you are, and of how far you have come, and you feel ready to work with what you’ve got. It’s important to notice this moment, if it arrives. Because there is a real peace in that tender self-acceptance. And, ironically, it may ignite the most profound change of all.” —Jeff Brown.

It is what I lived myself and what I see in my work.

When transforming, and becoming and unbecoming, is approached NOT from a place of pushing or throttling, but from a place of gentleness and kindness to self,

a place of embracing who you are,

where you have been

and how far you have come —

that’s where the magic happens.

Discovering that place of “tender self-acceptance” is the key.

“Tender self-acceptance” is HARD to find.

For many of us, it is hidden underneath old habits of beating ourselves up to keep us accomplishing and pushing forward.

It’s hidden out of view behind patterns of thinking that have been ingrained over many years.

Finding it comes back once again to the pause.

And presence.


And paying attention.

Without judgment

To what is.

Accepting it as such.

And then choosing with compassionate, flexible, and kind intention — a way forward that is in alignment for you.

When you ask yourself what love would do from this space, profound change happens.

When you are in a space of tender self-acceptance —you can trust yourself.

Trust yourself to have your own back as your journey to better unfolds

You can trust yourself to make your decisions and whatever path you choose the “right” one

You can trust yourself to also adjust your sails and course-correct when needed.

How does all this happen?

It takes a true willingness to change and help from a guide. A guide who can help you see within and support your journey.

Just like yoga- teaching yourself yoga is not the same experience as having someone guide you.

A guide gives you both space and direction. That is where the magic of profound change begins.

Thank you to Meral Omurtag for sharing theisJeff Brown quote.

The perfect place to start your journey is at my upcoming mindful coaching and yoga retreat, May 23-28th. in Santa Margarita. I would love to have you join me. Find out more on my website.


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