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    mindfulness Jessie Mahoney mindfulness Jessie Mahoney

    Kindness and Possibility

    From a place of kindness to self

    so much more is possible.

    And when we see possibilities

    so much more is possible.

    May you all live a life filled with kindness and compassion to yourself

    It’s so much better than being mean to yourself.

    It’s more kind and almost always leads to even more efficiency and productivity.

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    transformation Jessie Mahoney transformation Jessie Mahoney

    Like An iPhone Upgrade

    The old versions were great AND the new versions work faster and often function much more smoothly.

    Less wasted time and energy.

    Not without hiccups but definitely with less churn.

    And they are often lighter, easier to carry, and easier to use.

    Their cameras see and capture beauty better than the previous versions.

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    relationships Jessie Mahoney relationships Jessie Mahoney

    Dropping Your Barriers

    Barriers may be disguised as busyness, a real or perceived issue with your partner, old stories, resentments, “what’s ifs” in your mind, sometimes even a lack of feeling of deserving in yourself.

    Coaching and mindfulness have helped me see more of my barriers and begin to let them go.

    Pausing and being present was the first step. Then the work was to notice and begin to peel away the barriers with mindful intention and compassion.

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    mindfulness Jessie Mahoney mindfulness Jessie Mahoney

    "Tender Self-Acceptance"

    When transforming, and becoming and unbecoming, is approached NOT from a place of pushing or throttling, but from a place of gentleness and kindness to self, a place of embracing who you are, where you have been and how far you have come — that’s where the magic happens.

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    Jessie Mahoney Jessie Mahoney

    The Secret to Great Vacation

    I had the best vacation this week. I say this not to brag. But to share the secret. And to my dear family who reads this please don’t take offense. It is a reflection on being human and my own evolution...not on any of you.

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    transformation Jessie Mahoney transformation Jessie Mahoney

    Allowing Yourself to Shine

    Allowing yourself to shine is a gift to yourself and the world. This concept was and is key to my ongoing life transformation. I initially learned it through coaching. It has become an integral part of my life through practice. It was very uncomfortable to start.

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