Envy Isn't Necessarily A Bad Thing

When is a time you felt surprisingly envious about what someone else was doing?

Most people can IMMEDIATELY think of something —even if it feels “unusual” or not clearly explainable. It is often a restaurant, a small shop, or a place you felt immediately “home” but didn’t know why.

Envy isn’t necessarily a “bad” thing.

It can be a clue to discovering what you really want- your hidden dreams.

Usually what you are envious of isn’t the exact thing you want but a direction marker.

For me, and many I work with it it helps guide you to the way you want to feel in life.

Five years ago I found myself surprisingly envious of the owner of a small community yoga studio I visited on Kauai. I loved everything about it- the breeze, the light, the space, the singing bowls, the park outside with children's voices and laughter, the coffee shop across the way, the community component, and the feelings I felt in the space-- calm, support, relaxation, presence, peace, spaciousness, laughter, joy, and possibility. The yoga studio is called "Metamorphose Yoga." Metamorphose means to change in form or nature; to transform.

This studio was a place that honored so many of the things I value- health, wellness, mindfulness, nourishment, connection, kindness, beauty, nature, teaching, community, purpose, intention, and transformation.

These feelings and the memory of this space have served as a guidepost for me on my journey to step into “my zone of genius.”

My journey is not necessarily to be an owner of a yoga studio but my jealousy that this could be someone’s life, helped me see that I had more I wanted to and could contribute to the world beyond the exam room as a physician.

Transform or metamorphose is what I have done since that moment and continue to do.

Transform is what I help others do.

Nourish and Transform retreats, 1:1 mindful coaching, group coaching, podcasts, mindful yoga…. continuing to transform and grow and metamorphose.

I have continued to connect with the concept of caterpillars turning into butterflies and the lessons from nature about our life journey’s.

Are you feeling stuck, knowing there is more, or wanting more but not sure where to go next?

Think about when have you found yourself "green with envy?”

What might it tell you about your passion and your purpose and what living your best life might look like- now and in the future? How might it be a light post?


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