A Year Later

These words arrived unexpectedly in my in-basket this week from an amazing woman I worked with last year.

“I wanted to thank you …

So grateful for all that you have given me.  

I continue to learn who I am, and what I want.  

I am not waiting for someone else to get me where I want to go 

I am here, right now, and living, breathing, and recognizing.

I remember 50/50 often,

but also focus on the legacy I want to leave behind,

and have way less "shoulds."

I would say I am overall thriving. 

I am still working more than I would like but figuring that out and in the meantime, remembering to stop and just be, like taking the little one to the park.

Thank you for the amazing impact you have had on my life (and ultimately theirs) - -the email came with beautiful photos of her children in nature.

much love…..”


Envy Isn't Necessarily A Bad Thing

