Dropping Your Barriers

“Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”- RUMI

Last week I celebrated my 28th wedding anniversary. After 28 years, I see clearly that my work in ALL my relationships is still to let even more of the love and the joy and the full spectrum experience of love in.

When you drop your barriers- there is so much more there.

And so often we aren’t even aware we have barriers. I wasn’t until recently.

Barriers are often disguised as busyness, a real or perceived issue with your partner, old stories, resentments, “what’s ifs” in your mind, and sometimes a lack of feeling of deserving in yourself.

Coaching and mindfulness helped me see more of my barriers and begin to let them go.

Pausing and being present was the first step.

Then the work was to notice and begin to peel away the barriers with mindful intention and compassion.

I know I am not alone in needing to work on this.

It isn’t easy. It takes much practice. And often help or a guide is needed.

I also know a life even better lived awaits…for me and for you.




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