Kindness and Possibility

From a place of kindness to self

so much more is possible.

And when we see possibilities

so much more is possible.

May you all live a life filled with kindness and compassion to yourself

It’s so much better than being mean to yourself.

It’s more kind and almost always leads to even more efficiency and productivity.

Less wasted time and energy.

Be your own “inner ally” instead of “inner enemy.” as Shauna Shapiro says in my favorite book, Good Morning I love you.

Being our own ally is not our habitual approach.


It’s worth working on.

Being your own ally

and no longer being mean to yourself

or hard on yourself

Changes everything.

Those of you who have done yoga with me have heard me invite you “to think of something about yourself you would not want to change.”

I encourage you to try this practice daily.

And write it down.

Practice being kind to yourself.

Our relationship with ourselves is our most important relationship.

It impacts all of our other relationships.

Nurture it.

Grow it.

Heal it.

Kindness to self creates possibilities.

Consider an act of true kindness to self by joining My August retreat with me.

Grow self compassion and nourish your mind, body and soul simultaneously.

Kindness and possibility await.


Advice for a life better lived...


Change Your Worry Gene