Allowing Yourself to Shine

Allowing yourself to shine is a gift to yourself and the world.

This concept was and is key to my ongoing life transformation.

I initially learned it through coaching. It has become an integral part of my life through practice.

It was very uncomfortable to start.

Not shining was safe. And I wouldn’t have to worry about outshining someone else.

What I have learned is that showing up shining is a totally different way to see yourself and your contribution to the world.

An approach makes the world a shinier and more beautiful place for everyone.

Shining is an expression of an abundant mindset.

One that results in more abundance for you and others.

It is not about gloating or not being humble or being selfish.

It’s honest and authentic.

And actually giving the world your best.

Notice the flowers in spring all bloom and shine. More blooms is more beautiful. None are outshining each other.

When I show up shining as a coach — my clients shine more too.

When they start to shine, my clients share their successes. And inspire others.

They also share their shine with their families and loved ones and their patients. And everyone benefits.

I also now allow my shine to show up in yoga. When I give and shine and bloom as a yoga teacher, all my students shine a bit more— in their own zoom spaces and also off their mats —in their lives as well.

I see the impact of allowing myself to shine in my parenting all the time these days.

Struggling, always giving, showing up as a martyr was a much less powerful model for my children than standing tall, owning my strengths and passions, and wants. My children are all shining more now too.

Allowing myself to shine has dramatically changed my marriage.

Our relationship is much stronger and more fun when I allow myself to shine and bloom. There is much less drama, more ease, and more connection. When I don’t wait for someone else to make me good or trying to make my husband feel a certain way - there is so much more space for both of us to love and actually feel good. That’s when the relationship blooms.

Shining and blooming are different than the concept of service or self-sacrifice which I was taught as a kid and in medicine. In my case, shining and blooming results in even more giving— from a place of abundance rather than scarcity.

My shining doesn’t make anyone else less shiny. It makes the world shinier. And your shining will do the same.

I would love to help you get here. It isn’t an easy mindset shift -especially for those of us trained in medicine ... but discomfort is the price of growth.

On the other side of discomfort is fun, love, connection, and beautiful blooms.

And if you haven’t listened to this week’s Mindful Healers Podcast yet- it is about this exact topic!


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