BEING with Yourself

I spent last weekend practicing “being.”

Being with myself

and with others.

It’s much harder than it sounds.

Yoga on Saturday was about being “with yourself.”

Practicing it and enjoying it.

Noticing how you feel.

Noticing what's happening inside.

Not making lists, being busy, or looking ahead or behind.

Just enjoying being in the moment.

WITH yourself.

We spend most of our time being WITH others, serving others, and connecting with others.

When we learn to connect with ourselves,

listen to ourselves,

and enjoy our own company, its magic.

It is the secret to contentment

and amazing relationships.

Meeting your own needs means you don't need anyone else to do it for you.

Liking yourself and liking being with yourself liberates you.

To truly choose what you WANT to bring to your relationships.

And to enjoy them.

It takes“needs” and “unmet needs” out of the equation,

And feels so much better.

In addition to practicing being with myself,

I spent a lot of time with my husband this weekend.

After intentionally being with myself,

the time spent with my husband was fabulous.

I had no expectations.

Felt relaxed.

Enjoyed his company.

Feeling more connected with him because I was more connected to myself.

This is what mindful coaching and mindful yoga help you discover and do-

in ALL your relationships.

With husbands, teens, parents, friends...

It only takes one to change a relationship.

When you change yourself, everyone around you begins to change.

Start with yourself.

Be with yourself.

Notice yourself.

Enjoy yourself.

Make some upgrades — if you want.

It might sound easy. It’s not.

AND it’s beyond worth it.

It’s the magic, secret sauce to contentment, calm, connection, and amazing relationships.

The yoga class is up on my YouTube channel.

Consider going deeper with coaching on this one— I can’t recommend it enough.

Life is to enjoyed and lived and loved.

There’s no glory in constantly struggling.

You and your loved ones and the world deserves better.

I have room for a couple of new coaching clients in mid-April. Reach out now to get on the list.


Allowing Yourself to Shine


Happy National Physicians Day 2021