Like An iPhone Upgrade

What does it mean to want to become a new, upgraded version of yourself?

If you want to be "better" or different does that mean you aren't ok as you are or there something broken about you?

Upgrading yourself as like an iPhone upgrade.

The old versions were great AND the new versions work faster and often function much more smoothly. 

Less wasted time and energy. 

Not without hiccups but definitely with less churn.

And they are often lighter, easier to carry, and easier to use.

Their cameras see and capture beauty better than the previous versions.

What if the new version of you worked more easefully? 

was lighter?

Wasted less time and energy on routine functions?

Experienced less churn?

Saw and captured more beauty?

This is the upgrade mindful coaching enables.

Yoga adds in an even faster new processor., And a bigger screen.

Want an “instant” upgrade- join me in August for the retreat.

Mind, body, and soul immersion in nature.

Mindfulness, yoga, coaching, and human connection.

Head home functioning like a new iPhone.

Sign up and find out more here:


Change Your Worry Gene


You Don't Get "There" Piecemeal