What If You Are Not Broken?

How many of us have wondered, at least at some point, if we were broken?

Wondered if we were “more broken” than others?

Perhaps we are all broken, and therefore not broken at all.

Just human.

My yoga class last weekend was dedicated to exploring this idea,

and growing a little more self-compassion.

Self-compassion begins by choosing to no longer be mean to yourself.

And choosing to stop putting yourself down

And stop asking yourself what is wrong with you.

Letting go of these old habits creates space.

In that space-- is where the transformation begins.

Expanding the stuck space behind your heart- as I call it-

leads to feeling a little lighter and a little more buoyant.

It is the start of kindness and self-acceptance.

And more full diastole.

To allow you to nourish and grow your own heart, you, and your relationships.

It allows you to begin to see that your cracks are what let the light in.

The light leads to seeing.

And no longer bumping around in the dark.

And the sunshine brings warmth.

When you see things,

You can choose to change them.

Whether the change is your thoughts or something else.

Perhaps what we initially perceive as “brokenness” is actually a strength.

Kintsugi is the art of repairing broken Japanese bowls with gold.

They are more valuable and beautiful with more cracks and breaks.

Coaching helps you repair breaks and cracks in this way.

Human struggles, fears, and self-doubts are part of being human.

Showing up for them with compassion, intention, and choice is the gold.

Knowing there will always be more cracks and more gold ahead.

As long as you are human.

Join me for 1:1 coaching or my mindful love program to get started on your own journey.

Mindful Love starts March 15th.

Info is on my websiteas is the link to the YouTube channel with the yoga class.


Mindful Decision-Making


Making a Change