Making a Change

Watering the grass,

Looking on bright side,

Appreciating what you have.

This does not mean you don’t make changes

Or shouldn't choose something different.

A year ago this month, I made a big change.

Sometimes a new job

A new relationship




Is what you want

Is what serves you best.

Creating something new can be amazing.

When you have watered your grass,

Accepted the situation “as it is”

And see the beauty in the mess,

You sometimes decide you want something different for yourself or for your life.

Sometimes something different serves you or the world better.

Sometimes making a change is what love and compassion would do.

We are all on different paths to different dreams at different times.

A new path is not necessarily an easier path.

Or a happier path.

It is just a different path.

It's a different mess to find beauty in.

Making a change is not necessarily a failure of managing your mind.

It’s not necessarily escaping or running away or rejecting something.

It’s a choice.

Just like not making a change is also a choice.

Coaching and mindfulness don’t tell you to just be happy and see rainbows everywhere.

They help you “choose your choice.”

With conscious intention.

And then,

to choose your experience of whatever choice you make.

When you know how to water the grass,

you can water it wherever you go.

When you see good here- you see good there.

When you know how to look for a connection, you find it and create it wherever you go.

In the pause

And in presence

Is not only calm

And space to breath,

But also choice.

And the possibility of change.

What if you chose to do the work to make conscious choices that serve you.

And to show up for those choices with presence and intention.

I love helping to guide people on this amazing journey.


What If You Are Not Broken?


Is Your Patience Running Thin?