A Gift

This blog just might lead to big changes.

This month I have been thinking a lot about how to be kind to myself.

Mostly how to not be UNKIND to myself.

A to-do list can be kind or unkind--- depending on your thoughts about it.

I do a lot of coaching on to-do lists.

We have a lot of emotion about to-do lists- our own and our loved ones- especially if we are “partners.”

I often help clients shift to thinking about a “want to do” list- instead of a to-do list.

This is Version 2.0.

The idea is that we want to get things done, we want the feeling we will have when they are done, and/ or we want the effect of having them done. Thinking about wants is a much kinder way to think about a to-do list.

This week however I up-leveled my approach to the “to do” list.

Version 3.0.

The to-do list as a birthday list AKA a “gift” to myself list.

Next week is my birthday and what I most wanted I realized when I listened to my heart- was to NOT have a lot of stuff on my to-do list. To declutter the to-do list.

To have the peace and freedom that would come from having it done.

So I changed my to-do list- to a birthday list.

One I would do FOR ME as a gift.

In 2 days:

Life insurance paid

Mammogram done

Dentist done

Pap smear and check up scheduled

Teenagers sports exam/paperwork completed

Estimate for major yard clean up done and work scheduled

New stove installed and broken one gone

Met with Financial planner and CPA

Roof repair guy scheduled

Blog posts moved to new email system- apologies for any glitches last week

New podcast episodes completed and uploaded

And much more.

All done with a smile on my face and peace in my heart.

What could you do to be kind to yourself?

What productivity might result from a place of kindness and rather than beating yourself up?

What might happen if you saw getting chores done as a gift to yourself rather than as a chore.

How liberating, light and peaceful would it feel to have a decluttered to-do list.

I can tell you it feels great.

PS. My yoga class today was based on this theme- if you love yoga, try it out here.

If you want to give yourself a gift of kindness join me on my upcoming retreat.


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