Getting Help

Getting help has never been an easy thing for me.

I expect this is true for many of you.

My mind likes to tell me I “should” be able to do it all myself.

That self-sufficiency is a measure of strength and adequacy.

That striving and pushing will get me farther.

I love pelicans and they get help.

They fly in a “chevron” to draft off of one another - the leader helps the others.

Since I started embracing the idea that getting help for myself is a strength and a tool,

amazing things have happened.

This is true for those I help too.


“Help” -specifically coaching- helped me see the changes I authentically wanted to make.

Help helped me see the stories I needed to change. 

It helped me see what was getting in my way.

It helped me stop wasting time and energy.

 So I could go much farther faster. 

It was efficient and it was fun.  

Help allowed me to start living the life I wanted to be living

In spite of the chaos around me and other people, I couldn’t change. 


I wish it hadn’t taken me to get to the point of  “something has to change” to invest in myself and choose to get help.


With help,  I could have started enjoying the life I had sooner. 

And creating the life I wanted earlier.

With much less struggling and suffering.


Getting help takes a belief that better is possible.

It takes awareness, acceptance,  and a willingness to see the world in a different way.

It takes a willingness to do something uncomfortable to become less uncomfortable.


Living Life Luxuriously


A Gift