Are You Addicted to Worrying?

If you are "addicted to worrying", you are in good company.

What could your life look like if you stopped this bad habit?

Just like other addictions, it comes at a GREAT cost.

It takes mindset work to break this habit.

It's not easy but 100 percent worth it.

Our mind tells us worrying is helpful, protective and necessary.

That it protects us and keeps us safe.

My mind thought this and many of my clients think this too.

It’s possible though to learn to trust yourself to make good, healthy decisions without hypervigilance.

Worrying about things completely outside of your control is actually wasting valuable time and energy.

Who has extra time and energy for that?

What else could you do with that time and energy?

It's possible to let go of the worry addiction.

And find more zen, peace, contentment, and

It's what I help people do in mindful coaching.

The first step: pause- so you can see how much worry there is.

Then own how the worry is impacting your life.

Then decide you want something different for your life and day by day- let it go.

To become someone new.

Someone who plans and makes thoughtful decisions but who doesn’t worry all the time.

Someone who isn’t distracted by worry

And who doesn't waste time and energy on things outside their control,

and instead is able to find and enjoy calm, peace, presence, and connection.

If you want this, I invite you to reach out.

I will have a couple of spaces for new coaching clients in mid-April.  A summer of calm and less worry is waiting.


Happy National Physicians Day 2021

