A Breath of Fresh Air

Do you feel like you can breathe again?

Deep breaths and fresh air are magical.


My thoughts today are inspired by a coaching client who told me this week she decided to work with me because I was a “breath of fresh air.”


I was delighted by this.

And am delighted by fresh air on the regular.

And saddened when it hasn’t been available due to the recent wildfires.


“A breath of fresh air” is definitely a theme in my life.  

A powerful, transformative, healing, and fun theme.

I would love it to be this for you too.


Mindful coaching is like a breath of fresh air for your brain.

It allows you to take a breath of fresh air. 

When you let go of what doesn't serve you you have more space to breathe and think.

And then you can show up as a breath of fresh air in your life - for yourself and your loved ones.


When it was possible to be together—”Before Covid”--  a colleague shared with me her life stresses. I noticed that as she spoke, she was hardly breathing in.

This is how it is for so many of us. So much of the time.  

Barely inhaling.  Barely exhaling.


In this space, it feels like our circumstances need to change for us to breathe fresh air deeply again.

When they change it helps for sure.

Notice how many references to being able to breathe again there were this weekend.


The beautiful thing about mindfulness and coaching is that they allow you to literally and figuratively breathe again even when circumstances haven’t changed.

And especially when they have. 


These tools allow you to feel a breath of fresh air no matter what.

And who doesn’t want this?


Yoga, another one of my passions, also feels like a “breath of fresh air.”

It spreads fresh air through you.


Walking on the beach is about breaths of fresh air.

Breathing fresh air, feeling fresh air, and shifting your perspective through the impact of fresh air.


Coaching changes you.

Yoga changes you.

Nature changes you.

The breath itself changes you.

Cell by cell.

It brings in nourishment and is a way of releasing what no longer serves you.


Relishing being called a breath of fresh air.

Relishing changes ahead that will lead to more fresh air

Literally and figuratively.


Join me to enjoy more breaths of fresh air.  

This is what I do.

It’s liberating.

It’s fun.

And it is transformative.

Just like a breath of fresh air.

“Your breath is always available” as I like to say


Life is so much better when you can breathe more deeply.


It's Gift to be Sitting Where I am Right Now


Lotus Flowers Grow Out of the Mud