Lotus Flowers Grow Out of the Mud

Pause and be present.



Mindfulness and mind management offers mental space and the opportunity to discover a path forward.

Even in the midst of uncertainty and change.


It’s an opportunity to choose to see beauty in the mess- if you want to.

And intentionally choose responses that serve you.


It  helps you choose feelings you WANT to feel.

And discover what thoughts can help you get there.


Mindful coaching gives you back agency and control.

Through mindful reflection and exploration.

Through attention and intention.


“Even if” we are still in uncertainty, the “maps” tell a story of tremendous division. 

And evoke many unconscious thoughts and feelings.

Perhaps anger, betrayal, disbelief, frustration, exhaustion and so so much more.  


Coaching doesn’t change the current circumstances- whether it be a map or something else in your life.


But it does offer the opportunity to choose your experience of the situation.

And choose your path forward.


Remembering what is in your control?

Your thoughts.  Your voice.  Your actions.

How do you want to move forward?


Would you like to work to create some purple rather than just blue and red?

Or extend a hand to find more unity?

Or something else?


Can you ask yourself empowering questions rather than spinning in “what if.”

How can you begin to “see” others better?

What can you/we learn from this?

What can you/we do better?

How can we see creative possibilities and solutions?

How can we find more hope?

How can we take care of each other?

Coaching allows you to be human, feel all the emotions, AND see possibilities.

From here you can begin to be the change you want to see.

For me, I envision lotus flowers emerging from the mud.


There has never been a better time to work on your mind.


“What the world needs is people who have come alive.”


A Breath of Fresh Air


Cultivating Calm and Activating Mindful Ripples