Moving Forward With Purpose On Purpose

Two years ago this week— when I walked out of my pediatric office and my chief of physician wellness role -

for what was scheduled to be a four-month “break”/sabbatical. I was being allowed to use up the literally months of time I had accumulated working extra shifts over the previous 18 years to rest and reset.


I had no idea what was ahead.


Pandemics, pivots, purpose, passion, peace, possibilities, pride, and much, much more.


I had no idea that it would be the beginning of such an incredible journey.

One that had already well begun but that I hadn’t slowed down enough to truly appreciate.


I am still helping children, families, and physicians live healthier and better lives.

I have just pivoted on purpose to do it in new ways.

Ways that allow me to come alive, to sparkle and create, and to be an example of change and possibility.

Ways that bring me joy in almost every part of my day- whether it is coaching, teaching yoga, leading retreats, speaking, writing, or …


I am proud that I was a loving, passionate, kind, wise, and fun pediatrician and physician leader for almost 20 years.

I am proud to now be the founder of a very successful, innovative, mindful, authentic, and aligned business.

One that continues to grow and evolve and contribute in new ways

to health, happiness, and human connection.


I am proud that I stepped out of my own fear and into fulfilling my own dreams.

In doing so, I have helped, and will continue to help,

countless others to do the same.


I am someone who loves change and variety.

I am excited for what’s here now and for what’s next.

This time I have an idea of what’s ahead.

Moving forward with purpose on purpose is part of living a more mindful and intentional life.

I would love to have you join me.


Be A Lighthouse


Trust Yourself and You Will Know How to Live