A Year Later Life is Still 50/50

Some find the concept of 50/50 sad and negative; some find it helpful and freeing.

The idea is that life is ON BALANCE life is at baseline 50 % good and 50% bad.
Some days are great. Some days are awful.
Some years are great. Some not so much.

Our brains tell us we are supposed to be happy all the time. But when we expect or even want a job, a career, relationship, and life to feel good almost all the time, we inevitably end up disappointed and frustrated much of the time. Same with parenting and same with marriages.

If we realize that inherently things are both good and bad and, for the most part, 50/50 —we can use this to our advantage.

We can focus on what is in our control- how we experience the 50/50. This is how we shift the balance and impact our lived experience of our one “wild and precious life.”

We can make things worse than 50/50 with our thoughts and stories. By struggling about the bad and struggling about our struggles. By spinning about the negative what-ifs and things that didn’t work out. By ruminating about how we wish things were different.

Or we can learn to feel better and to experience the 50/50 in a more positive way. We can let go of the "shoulds". Accept and allow and experience it all. Even if we don’t like or wish it were different.

Then our lived experience of the 50/50 is no longer 50/50. We can shift the balance to 70/30, and with ongoing work even to 80/20 or even 90/10.

There will always be heartache and pain. That is being human.

But why make your experience of it worse than it has to be. Instead, choose to make it even better than it seems.

This is the power of mindful coaching.


Why You Should Be the One to Change
