It Feels Bad and It Helps

Last week, someone hacked into my phone and replaced my SIM card.

Taking over all my data and information in an instant.

A most unpleasant crime.

I am grateful to have had well-honed inner resources to tap into.

Mindful coaching and yoga have SIGNIFICANTLY helped ease the journey and make it less traumatizing and less stressful.

Mindful coaching tools — though I often refer to them as magic— sadly don’t allow you to bypass negative emotions when something scary happens.

They do help you feel “the bad” so it moves through more quickly.

And that is good.

Feeling vulnerable and violated feel awful.

Not resisting feeling them is hard.

An unmanaged mind creates added distress. Wondering, for example, was there something I could have/should have done differently to prevent or respond to the situation- makes it worse.

I am practicing in real-time all that I preach.

Mindfulness and the pause.

Truly feeling the feelings. Especially the bad ones.

Responding and not reacting —even in the mire and the muck.

Reminding myself regularly— it can and likely will— turn out better than I expect.

I am also intentionally accepting and allowing and definitely NOT LIKING

both the situation and all the associated bad feelings.


My self-coaching tools are my life preserver for the rough seas.

They help me manage my mind

and stay out of guilt, blame and shame.

They help me work to tap into neutrality,

to focus on what is in my control and to connect with hope.

I know this is the way through and it still feels bad.

They don’t eliminate the struggle,

but they 100% lessen the extra unneeded struggle about the struggle.

And that helps A LOT.


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