Choose Your Feelings

I wrote a post a year ago about feelings.

I asked the question: How do you want to FEEL in 5 years?

Most people don't think about their life goals in this way. In fact, they have never considered specifically how they want to FEEL in their life. Instead, they focus on doing and accomplishments

Yet your feelings drive the doing and the accomplishments and ultimately they are how you experience everything else in your life.

 I recommend choosing the feelings you want to have and cultivating them with purpose. 


You may not know the specifics of what you want to do next but you almost always know how you want to feel.

Feelings are a powerful tool to help you to shape an intentional and meaningful life. 

One of alignment, joy, ease, and calm. Or whatever other feelings you decide that you want to feel.


What 3 feelings do you predominantly feel now?

I often hear:

Irritation, anger, resentment.

Rushed, overwhelmed, stretched.

Sad. Frustrated. Angry. Stuck.

Inadequate. Powerless. Lonely.

Some good feelings too... I hope. 

Perhaps gratitude, connection, joy, love, appreciation are common ones.


Ask yourself what you want to feel more of and less of? 

Try on feelings and explore all the feelings if the concept of feelings feels unfamiliar. Not feeling connected with your feelings- perhaps feeling numb much of the time- is not uncommon especially in women in medicine who were taught not to connect or show their feelings…)

Do you want to feel-


Proud? Brave? 


Calm? Easeful?


Connected? Compassionate? 

Love? Loved?

Supported? At peace?

Inspired? Excited?


I like to coach in from the feeling line because it is where I see the most powerful and transformative mindset shifts from a place of ease rather than force or pushing.

This past week the shifts in predominant feelings after 5 days of mindful coaching and nourishing yoga at my retreat were inspiring and honestly led me and others to tingles….

Focus on the feelings. They are your experience.  They are your guideposts to create the life of your dreams.

Reach out if this strategy resonates with you. In my experience, it just may be the magic approach you haven’t tried to start living and creating the life of your dreams.


Follow Your Passion to Find Your Purpose


The Upper Limit Problem