The Upper Limit Problem

I am back from my first Nourish and Transform retreat this week- it was truly amazing.

And I noticed that my brain this morning was looking for problems and things to fix in my life.

I even had terrible crazy dreams about my husband leaving me, not having medical insurance and getting cancer, and my business failing… Unmanaged brains are awesome !

Took me a few minutes to realize what was happening… an “upper limit problem” and/or a “capacity to have” problem.

When things are really good we often feel uncomfortable and many of us don’t know how to truly enjoy them and allow abundance and feel proud.

Our nefarious or trouble making thoughts are not usually conscious. And they are so so common.

“You grow what you practice.”

So now that I have noticed the problem I am back on track.

Practicing the capacity to have, feeling proud, and appreciating the abundance and magical transformations I was privileged to be a part of.

The setting was as beautiful and healing as I remembered.

The light, the air, the smells, the birds, the wildlife, the beds, the views….

The setting creates a deep breath and nervous system reset all on its own.

The food- made by my husband —was out of this world. Beautiful, delicious, and healthier than I usually eat- almost all vegan/vegetarian (with some treats for people like me who like fish, cheese and cream in their coffee.). It was literally love on a plate all week long. The fact that that he would and could support me in that way was true love. And it did not go unnoticed by me and everyone else. The only meal not made by husband was made by Anne Kennard and was a cornucopia of veggies made into a soup with love, stories and culinary medicine knowledge mixed in. It was awesome also.

The in-person yoga experience last week was beyond special after 15 months of zoom yoga. The room has beautiful light and breezes and the practices were healing and nourishing. The live “OMs “ were body tingling. The amount of self-compassion that grew and perspective-shifting that happened in that room this week was breathtaking. Humor, beauty, possibility, inspiration, support, love, joy, delight and forgiveness were also all cultivated.

The hours spent coaching and the mindset shifts that came out of the coaching literally made me tingle. Shifts from feeling powerless, overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, resentful, and irrelevant to loved, loving, grounded, creative, capable, proud, brave, and calm. It’s no wonder I felt an upper limit and/or capacity to have problem at weeks’ end.

The “upper limit problem” is described in the book The Big Leap. The capacity to have is from my Life Coach School training.

What they both mean (in different ways) is that I surpassed my level of comfort with abundance, things going well, good things happening and feeling content, peaceful and in alignment.

This is natural and common.

The journey is to mindfully and slowly cultivate one’s ability to feel good and positive more of the time. To lessen the sabotaging negative thoughts, catastrophizing, and negative what if’s when things are going well.

I share this story because I bet it has happened to you. Once you are aware it is so much easier to not only get back on track but also to grow your skills so you can enjoy life more.

Who doesn’t want that?

Proud that at least I didn’t pick a fight with unknowing family members and hoping that I can up-level with even more practice to shut down the crazy dreams.


Choose Your Feelings


Choose to Live in The Magic Rather than Mire and the Muck