Honoring A Practice

I first discovered yoga as a med student.

Then I became a mom and doctor and I stopped practicing.

I also stopped taking time to pause and be present. I barely took a moment to breathe deeply. For 15+ years.


I came back to yoga six years ago— at a very difficult time in my life.

Through yoga, mindfulness, and most importantly for my own journey, coaching,

I found my way again.

I nourished myself fully with coaching and yoga.

I bathed my nervous system with healing and calm and oxygen and helpful thoughts.

Once I was replete,

coaching and yoga together propelled me to a total life transformation.


I started my yoga journey with just one breath.

It wasn’t glamorous or glorious.

It has become so over time.

One yoga practice at a time.

Yoga, the way I practice and teach,

creates space where I am stuck,

helps me make peace with who I am,

connect with my authentic self without judgment,

and move forward with attention and intention.

I teach yoga and coach others with this in mind.

I teach yoga for personal growth, healing, and preventive health.

Mindful Yoga is not just about the class,

it is about how you choose to approach your life -- both on AND off the mat.

Coaching informs my yoga.

Yoga informs my coaching.

They both inform my parenting, my marriage, my doctoring, my health, and everything else in my life. They REMIND me to pause, be present, and BE.

To listen to my body and my inner wisdom.

To stay grounded, centered, and in touch with my priorities- especially when the world is swirling.

They remind me to connect with, and notice, my limitations.

Both my bodily limitations and my limiting beliefs.


Yoga reminds me to breathe with intention.

And take deeper breaths in moments of challenge, strain, fear, and frustration.

To breathe in nourishment, and breathe out what no longer serves me.


Yoga reminds me to create space in my life for the things that matter most.

It reminds me to find a balance between being and doing, ease and effort and rooting and stretching.

Yoga helps me realize that these are not in conflict with each other- but instead are just all part of the whole.

The goal of yoga and life is not “perfect.” It is practice.


A moment of gratitude this week for my yoga journey.

It has brought me, and so many of you, many incredible delicious and delightful moments.

It brought me and you retreats,



amazing connections,

fun, smiles and laughs,


improved health and happiness.


What’s next for me, and you, and yoga?

More retreats,

some shorter classes,

and hopefully,

more of you joining me in whatever way you can-

on YouTube

on Zoom

or in person at a retreat.

Looking forward to it.


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