Happiness Doesn’t Come From Solving Problems


We spend so much of our lives and our relationships working to solve problems.

We focus on what is wrong with us, our lives, our jobs, our partners, and others.

In the name of progress, “better”, and even “happiness.”

Thinking that when it is fixed we will feel better- “happy.”

Happiness isn’t “found” that way. Maybe for a moment- but then we move on to the next thing to be fixed, only to find happiness ever so briefly again.

True contentment and “happiness” is found within. It is available when you choose to connect with it.

Which shouldn't be all the time. Because that’s not life and there are many things we don’t want to be happy about.

When we focus on what’s good and working and “right” right in front of us- we can find contentment and “happiness” when we want to.

We also find connection, love, fun, and so much more.


How much time do you spend focusing on what needs to be fixed and solving problems?

What might change if you stopped solving problems all the time?

If it feels too stressful to loosen your attachment to fixing and solving things, and noticing what’s wrong, start by showing yourself compassion and kindness.

Fixing things all the time has helped you achieve much in your life.

And you may not want to choose to continue on doing so.


It’s possible to learn to truly trust yourself, get things done that need to be done and be “successful” without the constant angst and stress.

Trusting deep within that things will work out well enough/mostly good in the end, is powerful.

Coaching helps you do this.

It allows you to find happiness in the moment while on the journey.


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