
This was the theme of my yoga class tonight. It is turning into spring in California and my yoga class is held around sunset. I myself am also going through a big life transition.

I have so many thoughts and feelings about the good and bad of my decision to pivot in my career, my learnings, and the amazing possibilities for newness ahead. Much to share on another day.

Today though, I am choosing to focus on pausing and being present for the transition itself.

Transitions are actually what make up the bulk of our lives. In yoga, we spend more time in the transitions than we do in the poses themselves. When you don’t pay attention to teaching the transitions, the outcome of the yoga pose is confusing at best. This is equally true in life and even in each day.

Kids are a constant reminder of how many transitions there are in a day. As adults we are so busy we don’t even notice them.

Yoga is a reminder for life of how important it is to pay attention, notice, experience and learn from the transitions themselves.

Whether they are big or small transitions, the process of transitioning and transforming are equally as important as the end product. in our busy lives we often cruise right on by.

Consider slowing down and experiencing the transitions going on in your lives. Don’t just rush through. It is part of full spectrum living.

Magnolia blooms, cherry blossoms, bedtime with small children, and sunsets are all good reminder of the beauty in transitions. Blooming is the “transition” between the bare branches and the leaves on a magnolia tree. I wouldn’t want to miss them.


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