Why Would a Doctor Decide to Become a Life Coach?

Sounds crazy right?

But the change I can make in people’s lives as a coach is even more powerful than I make in the exam room as a pediatrician on most days. (And I have more than 15 minutes...)

As a coach, I heal and empower physicians, parents, dentists, teachers, colleagues, daughters, siblings etc so that they can show up in the world as the best versions of themselves. When this happens, the ripple effect begins. All those in their care and in their lives benefit.

Coaching is a way I can help make the world a better place both now and for the next generation. As a pediatrician, this is part of who I am.

Working with a coach changed my life for the better. Even after all my training as a doctor, pediatrician and parenting expert, working with a coach helped me be a better parent, wife, mom, friend, doctor, and colleague. I was able to start to be the change I wanted to see, stop struggling unnecessarily, see possibilities, and take responsibility for my own happiness.

Being a coach allows me to help others change their lives for the better in similar ways. Quickly. Helping people transform themselves, their relationships and their lives through coaching is fun. I get to help people start to think deliberately so they can feel better and stay that way.

Coaching is different than doctoring. It is not advice. It is not a bandaid, or a cast, or a prescription. I don’t tell people what I recommend. Instead I help empower people to change themselves. When you change yourself everything changes.

Coaching is a performance tool, a happiness tool and preventive care. It is protective against burnout, vicarious trauma, depression, anxiety, and the challenges of life in general. It helps you stop sabotaging yourself and reconnect with your optimism, motivation, hope and strength. I want this for everyone.

Though many days feel long. Life is actually short. And each day and each moment are precious. There many circumstances we can’t change. What we can change is how we choose to experience them and how we show up for others. As a coach, I have the privilege of helping others learn to choose to stop struggling so much and instead choose something better. They and everyone they come into contact with benefits.




Why Would You Choose To Think That?