Why Would You Choose To Think That?

We often choose to think thoughts and ask ourselves questions that are painful. I have been doing this to myself recently. It may be that you are too.

When we do this, we usually don’t even realize it. We also don’t realize the thoughts in our head and the questions we are asking ourselves are optional.

What if I made a mistake? I should have done it differently. What if it doesn’t work out? What if I can’t do it?

These thoughts and questions are not helpful. The good news is that once you notice them, you can intentionally choose to think differently.

What if I made the perfect decision? I did it exactly as I should What if it works out better than I expect? What if this is the perfect time?

These questions and statements are equally valid, feel better and lead to less emotional turmoil. They leave me with a lot more energy to put into living. They make it much more likely that my decisions will turn out well and be amazing.

What questions are you asking yourself? Are they increasing your struggles?

Consider choosing ones that give you more energy and lead to more amazingness.


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