Why You Need Yoga Now More than Ever

I know from personal experience, yoga is healing and nourishing.

Yoga is also a way of life.

You learn it on the mat and you carry it with you out in the world “off the mat.”

“Yoga is not about the pose but who you are on the pose.”

It is a tool for a better-lived life.

When we nourish ourselves with yoga not only are we much healthier but we can also bring more compassion, value, and intention to our caring of others.

All of us care for others in some way whether in healthcare, at home,

or in our communities.

Yoga is an antidote to trauma, physical and mental fatigue, burnout, and isolation. In 2020 these are endemic.

Yoga helps to heal, strengthen, and center.

Not just through mindful presence but also through mindful breathing.

And through stretching and twists.

Which helps optimize your breathing.

And they, and the rest of yoga, help to release tension and old traumas.

Yoga creates diastole.

And creates more space in that spot behind your heart that often feels stuck, so it can fill more fully.

Effective diastole leads to much more effective and nourishing systole. One that replenishes and heals more efficiently and fully.

Yoga is a gift of healing.

To yourself.

A chance to nourish, strengthen, and ground.

To be curious and make connections with yourself and others even on zoom.

I would love to have some of you who haven’t tried yoga join me and see how it might help you. No headstands or arm balances offered or required.

My yogic wish for all of you-

May you be happy

May you be healthy in mind and body

May you be peaceful

May you experience more ease


What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as who you become in the process


Everyone's Shine is Different