The Pose Begins When You Want to Leave It

Another yoga thing…

AND, as usual, it applies to life off your mat.

It is about being willing to stay with the discomfort.

It is relevant for this moment in time as Covid continues to surge uncontrollably.

In yoga the offering is,

“Stay. See what happens.”

Can you stay present with grace?

What can you learn?

How can you grow?

A gem of a lesson for right now.

Can you sit through it, and just breathe?

Can you sit with that which is ugly, painful, hard, or simply not fun, and let it transform you,

rather than saying, “forget it.”

Our minds tell us discomfort is a problem.

Yet discomfort is life.

Is growth.

On the other side of discomfort is often amazing.

“In meditation, we discover our inherent restlessness. Sometimes we get up and leave.

Sometimes we sit there but our bodies wiggle and squirm and our minds go far away.

This can be so uncomfortable that we feel it's impossible to stay.

Yet this feeling can teach us not just about ourselves but what it is to be human…we really don’t want to stay with the nakedness of our present experience.

It goes against the grain to stay present. These are the times when only gentleness and a sense of humor can give us the strength to settle down…so whenever we wander off, we gently encourage ourselves to “stay” and settle down.

Are we experiencing restlessness? Stay!

Are fear and loathing out of control? Stay!

Aching knees and throbbing back? Stay!

What’s for lunch? Stay! I can’t stand this another minute! Stay!”

“The obstacle is the way” is a frequent theme explored in mindful coaching.

Stay with the pose.

Continue to stay home, socially isolate, and wear your mask, and care for others.

Choose to grow, learn, and transform in the process.

Even as you tire, and want to do something else.

On the other side of discomfort is fun, amazing, growth, strength, pride, lightness, calm, peace, and Savasana...

If you struggle with this,

Join me for coaching.

Join me for mindful yoga.

Special class Monday at 10 PST this week and Saturday 1/23 at 9 am PST.

Listen to the Mindful Healers Podcast.

On the other side of discomfort is fun, amazing, growth, strength, pride, lightness, calm, peace, and Savasana...


“The head doesn’t hear until the heart has listened”

