
Grounded was another of my words for 2021.

I have been intentionally grounding the last two weeks.

Essential work during an unsettled time in an unsettled world.

I am more grounded than ever in my decision to help others manage their minds and work to ground themselves in times of chaos.

Now so much new chaos being offered up now and likely in the month/s ahead.

Living mindfully and with intention in these times is the way forward.

Calm, peace, ahimsa (do no harm), love, kindness, curiosity and growth are all more needed than ever.

Storms and rain create deeper roots.

Deep roots keep you from becoming unrooted in high winds.

When you are grounded you are more calm and strong and clear.

You are much better able to be the change you want to see.

When you are grounded you can embrace and welcome chaos as part of life.

And choose to respond to chaos rather than react to chaos.

When you are grounded, angst and self doubt create ripples rather than waves.

When you are grounded it is easier to look for and find bits of joy and light in your life and your work and the world just as they are right now.

When you are grounded, your path forward comes into better focus.

Both the small and the big things.

My wish for all of you is to take some time to ground yourself too.

With intention.

Take deep breaths.

Pause and be present.

Look within.

Build your inner scaffolding.

Show yourself compassion and kindness.

Connect with your strength.

Clear your mind chatter and monkey mind.

Keep it simple.

Focus on what's in your control.

Eliminate unnecessary drama.

Deepen your roots.

This is what I believe love would do.

For you and for everyone else.

It's much easier and more efficient for someone else to see and guide you past what's getting in your way of showing up in this world as the best version of yourself than it is to do it on your own.


The Pose Begins When You Want to Leave It

