Yoga As Medicine - An Untapped Opportunity

A year ago today, I gave a CME talk on “Yoga As Medicine for Patients, Physicians and the Healthcare System.”  Serendipitously, I pulled it out to review this weekend for a different talk I gave to a group of lifestyle medicine physicians. 

It was such a dream to give this talk last year and teach yoga on the beach at a physician wellness conference in Lake Tahoe.  Reviewing it inspired me all over again today --on its one year anniversary.  

The “intention” of my talk was to inspire and enlighten.  In that spirit, I wanted to share bits of it this week with all of you. 

I believe yoga and mindfulness are an untapped opportunity to improve health and healthcare.

My goal in sharing yoga and mindfulness are  as a form of self care, self nourishment, and self- compassion.  Yoga can help everyone who engages in it bring our best selves back out into the world after class.  Yoga inspires both physical and emotional health and kindness towards oneself and others.

Yogic philosophy resonates deeply with me as a physician --and as a mindful coach.

  • “What you do with your body has a profound effect on what you do with your mind.”

  • “What you do with your mind has a profound effect on what you do with your body.”

  • “Find the balance between effort and ease.”

  • “Yoga and life are a practice - it is not about perfection”

  • “Yoga doesn't care how many times you fail/fall- it cares how many times you get back up.”




"Jedi Master"