Life Lessons in Morning Yoga

As we continue to move through this unusual time, yoga and mindfulness offer lessons for a more easeful and fulfilled life — on and off the mat.

1. Pause and be present and notice.

2. Listen to your body. Know your limitations. Accept what is.

3. There is value in getting to know yourself more deeply.

4. Creating space and clearing the mind changes everything.

5. Find balance. Between being and doing, ease and effort, and rooting and stretching.

6. Breathe in nourishment. Let go of what is not serving you.

7. It is a practice. The goal is not perfect. And there is no failure. Leave judgement at the door.

8. Be intentional. How do you want to show up?

9. Do no harm- Ahimsa. This applies to how we treat others but is equally important to how we treat ourselves. Show self-compassion.

10. Life is fleetingly precious. Enjoy the moment.

These all look a lot like coaching tenets. If you want help incorporating them into your life, your relationships, or your parenting, reach out.


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