Mindful Cow Wildflower Yoga

“Mindful cow, wildflower yoga” on the Bolinas Ridge Trail.

It was heavenly.

The back story is that there was coastal fog where we were originally headed to see the wildflower magic.

We got a late start because I had not a great night of sleep.

My teenage son, “of course” did not want to join us when due to the late start he easily could have.

And there was a huge line at the Bovine Bakery also due to our late start and my sleep issues.... note the story I started out with...

I headed into the special day we had planned -tired.

With mindful intention and softness and kindness to myself- I leaned in.

Practiced what I share with all of you in mindful coaching and yoga.

I paused and was present. I savored every bite of my bear claw and blueberry “fruit slipper” under the blooming tree in Point Reyes Station— They tasted even better after waiting so long.

And then — I enjoyed my hike on this different trail under the glorious sunshine - enjoyed it beyond measure.

Using attention intention and a soft mindful focus, I fully experienced and savored every moment.

I noticed and appreciated every flower, view, and green rolling hill.

I sat on so many perfectly placed rocks.

I grounded my sit bones into the earth and reached the crown of my head towards the sky at every turn.

Breathed deeply.

Felt the breeze.

Relished the beauty.

And let the earth’s strength and energy seep up into me.

I also practiced the “capacity to have”- taking the time and space to notice and enjoy all that’s right and beautiful and feels good — without guilt.

Using all of it instead to strengthen me from within, so I can show up as the best version of myself and give from an overflowing cup.

I don’t usually stand on rocks and practice yoga and stop and sit down all over the place on hikes to take it all in. But today I did. I decided to delight myself.

When you are in an aligned place, and doing what you are meant to be doing - you feel spacious and grounded - even when you are tired.

When you can feel spacious and grounded everything shifts.

Ease, calm, fun, connection, joy are all at your fingertips.

I am reminded of a favorite quote. One that I lean into and encourage and guide others to as well..

“ Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive.

And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Hope you will join me for a mindful yoga class soon.

And for one of you, here is a single spot left for my May mindful coaching and yoga retreat. A chance to do this work for yourself. I would love to have you join me.




What Can Happen When You Practice Moving Through the World Slowly