Better Than Botox

I met with an old colleague two weeks ago. The first words out of her mouth were: “You look 10 years younger.”

I am actually 3 years older and I have not added a single potion, lotion, botox, filler, or anything to my routine. I actually use NOTHING on my skin but occasional dry skin lotion and sometimes sunscreen. I have no "anti-aging" skin care regimen.

My younger appearance reflects alignment and living your passion. Beauty and looking younger, happier, and healthier, is a reflection of all that is deep within. It's available to you too.

I don't believe the change is "because I am no longer practicing clinical medicine." I did change my job but the change began before that. It also isn't because I made big changes at home-- my husband, my children, my dog, and my house are so far, still the same.

What I have changed is my mind.

My brain was always smart, determined, and resourceful but these qualities also caused me a lot of angst.

I often made things harder on myself by focusing on the negative, what was missing, and trying to do it all right.

My brain told unhelpful stories about what others did and said and my own life path and decisions.

My brain was judgy, doubting, and controlling-- disguised as wanting the "best" for myself and others.

Through coaching and mindfulness, I have trained my brain to be mindful and intentional, rather than unmanaged and rogue

A managed mind leads to internal peace, calmness, more contentment,

and as a result healthier skin, fewer wrinkles, and more vibrancy.

Our skin and appearance are a mirror of what is going on on the inside. My current appearance is literally the external evidence of an aligned, mindful and intentional life. A life created through LOTS of mindful coaching and yoga and nourishing myself WELL.

When you nourish yourself with purpose, passion, peace, positivity, connection, love, nature, and amazing food, you look younger. When you spend time in nourishing environments - retreats, and a home and an office that are intentionally minimalist and curated to have beautiful space and light and bring in nature, it changes how you look. I also support myself daily with ongoing coaching and yoga. I intentionally spend at least a little time attending to my body, brain, and spirit every day.

None of this means I don't experience stress and discomfort.

I actually work more hours now as a coach, podcaster, blogger, and yoga teacher than I did as a physician and physician leader.

During my retreat weeks at Sagrada, I work 12-hour days.

Running a business involves doing all kinds of things I previously didn’t know how to do. My life is not at all stress-free.

What’s different is that I now have effective tools to manage the stress and I intentionally spend time on preventive care and brain maintenance every day. I have a healthy mindset and I take ownership of my lived experience. I choose not to struggle unnecessarily about the struggle.

I heard recently from a dermatologist how much most women spend on skin care regimens. (billions collectively and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime individually). I highly recommend my path instead. You get to look younger AND feel and be healthier too.

My updated job description: creator of magic, contentment, AND BEAUTY.

Join me on the journey- it's fun!

Ongoing Presence starts again tonight for anyone interested in trying out small group coaching. There are only 2 spots still open. And there are 3 spots in the fall Sagrada retreat. Both feel way better and are most cost-effective in the long run than expensive skin products.


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