We are all imperfect.

As parents, we are not just caring for littles— we are building and living lifelong relationships with future adults. The first 18 years is only one season of the parenting journey.

Our job as parents is to guide, advise, and keep our children as safe as possible.

To raise “responsible” humans who do no harm to themselves or others.

Our job is not to fix, create a perfect childhood, or be a snowplow to clear the easiest path ahead.

Doing the work on you and your own mind can help you find a harmonious place in your relationships even when the other person - teen- young adult or otherwise- isn’t in a space to be able to or doesn’t want to make changes.

Accepting and allowing your teens, young adult children and partners- as they are and you as you are — with “grace and compassion.” is a beautiful strategy.

We are all imperfect and “a work in progress.”

You can choose to show up mindfully and intentionally for each season of parenthood and each relationship in your life.

Noticing and being aware, not judging them or yourself, and choosing how you want to feel.

Taking a stand for who you want to be in the relationship and being mindful, intentional, and someone you are proud of.

Modeling vulnerability and problem-solving and curiosity.


Relearning to Play the Harmonium


LOVE is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain