What Would Peace Do?

Last week I did some guest coaching on parenting.

A mom was struggling with stressful mornings in her house. We have all been there.

Yelling, corralling, trying to get everyone out the door on time. Lots of stress, all coming from love.


What she wanted was to feel peace and ease and connection.

Yet she was not showing up with peace, ease, and connection.


What was in her control?

How she showed up for the morning.


What would peace, ease, and connection do?

Pause and be present.

Show up mindfully.

Perhaps meditate for 5 minutes.

Enjoy coffee in stillness for a few minutes.

Get herself ready.

Not yell.

Lower expectations - mostly good is good enough.

Show up at peace, with ease, connecting.

What happened?


The morning that resulted was “Amazing, peaceful, even fun!”

Mindfulness and coaching together are magic.

Even in the face of ADHD, large city public transportation, a pandemic, and a busy schedule of patients.

When we change ourselves, things around us also change.

I wish for you all a few mindful, magic moments this week.


What could happen if you chose to live instead of worry?


A Day I Wish We Didn't Need