What You Practice Grows

I often get asked how I became such a model of calm and presence.

I wasn't always like this.


Feeling calm and present isn't about working hard, being persistent, or "pushing through."

That was the old me.

The new me has a different outlook. A shifted perspective.

I pause.

I breathe.

I allow.

These took (and take) intention. They are specific examples of choosing and practicing what I want to grow.


I didn't learn them overnight.

I started with one deep breath during what was a trying time in my life.

And one day at a time,

with practice,

I got here.


When we practice being stressed and anxious --even if inadvertently, this is our life experience.

When we see ourselves struggling, we experience the struggle.

When we see our life as hard, it is hard.

I used to be stress and struggle and own hard.

I was an expert at hard.


When I learned to practice presence— I became more present.

When I practiced calm, I became calmer.


Feeling peace, breathing deeply, feeling grounded, and being centered come with practice.

When you practice them, they grow.

From here, change becomes inevitable.

Without requiring any pushing, struggling or hard.

If calm, presence, and change are on your list of wishes for 2022, set up a time to talk with me, learn to practice them, so they grow and grow.


Stop Struggling About Struggling


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