Mindfully Come Back To You

“Where it all starts and it never ends”—the reflections of an August retreat participant.

When you listen to your heart and trust yourself you discover a whole new approach to life.

One where you live rather than worry.

Where you take good care of you.

And show yourself kindness, compassion and even love.

One where you enjoy being you.

You see and experience life as abundant.

And you live life not on autopilot but with intention.

When you un-become all that is not you so you and begin to become and be who you were meant to be in the first place, you can see clearly, and the fog and heaviness lift. You get unstuck and can see both the forest and the trees. You find with much more ease a balance of being and doing.

There is more spontaneity, curiosity flexibility, and authenticity in the journey.

Who doesn’t want to experience life like this?

Mindfully come back to you to discover it.


What Would Neutral Do?


“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.”