Mindful Coaching Helps You Get THERE More Quickly

Where is there?

Where YOU want to be.

Your unique personal “there.”

It's a different place and space for all of us.

For almost everyone-

it is a place with less struggle,

where you don’t feel like a victim.

It is a place where you feel calmer, more content, more connected, and more clear.

A place where you feel more alive.

“There is actually just “here” with a T added on the front.”

There is a wise duality in this.

The suggestion is to not miss the here while always searching for something better “there.”

To be mindful and present.

Magic comes when you intentionally add a “T” to here to change it to “there.”

The “T line” in coaching stands for thoughts. Intentional thoughts are also powerful.

When you choose specific and equally true thoughts they change your experience of your life and relationships.

Without your circumstances or other people having to change.

No hammer.

No nail.

No fixing

No controlling.

Just using your most valuable asset- your brain- to your advantage.

So many of us need help with this.

I did.

It’s different work.

Magical work.

Transformative work.

For you, for your relationships, and for your life.

Learning to “be” and be content with the “here,” just as it is.

Discovering that “there” is also available right now if you choose it.

When the world is full of lemons, thought work gives you the tools to make delicious lemonade.

It helps you see solutions and possibilities and a path forward that was hidden before.

Because of all the current lemons,

I only have space to take on only one more 1:1 client right now. Reach out if you want it to be you. My Mindful Connections Group Coaching Program will open again soon. You can sign up to be on the waitlist.


Mind Cleaning Creates Ease


We Don't All Just Need a Marty, We Need to be a Marty Ourselves