Mind Cleaning Creates Ease

This week smoky skies returned.

I fell and sprained my ankle.

People in my life struggled and did not behave as I thought they should.

The pandemic continued.

Once again- I was able to move through it with relative ease.

This was not how I rolled a few years ago.

Struggling is part of life.

Part of the human condition.

But we don’t have to be victims.

We don’t have to carry “heavy backpacks” and think thoughts that increase our suffering.

It’s possible to eliminate the UNnecessary struggle— the drama and emotional clutter.

And find calm, contentment, and clarity in the midst of the swirl.

It’s possible to create space to breathe and show up with presence, attention, and intention for whatever shows up.

Mindfulness and intentionally “managing” your thoughts is the secret.

They are house cleaning and minimalism for your mind.

They are useful no matter who you are and no matter what is happening in the world.

Mind cleaning helps you see the hidden cobwebs and remove the junk and clutter.

And old stories and beliefs that aren’t serving you.

A clean house and a clear mind are helpful in navigating life with ease.

Mindfulness and mindset management do not change reality.

They change your experience of it.

This benefits you and everyone around you.

Why not make things easier on yourself?

I wish I had done it sooner.


Learning to Approve Of Yourself


Mindful Coaching Helps You Get THERE More Quickly