Learning to Approve Of Yourself

Like many successful women, over the years, I have become an expert at criticizing myself.

An unconscious strategy to help me perform at a higher level.

Always noticing everything I could have or should have done better.

Through coaching and mindfulness, I learned to just approve of myself, exactly as I am.

It turns out that when I approve of myself, I actually perform at an even higher level.

I take better care of myself, have more energy, and more fun.

And I have more compassion, support and love to share with everyone else.

Last week, while I was watching my niece, someone asked me if I was her grandma.

This comment sent me into a brief mind spin about why she might have said this....lots of critical thoughts.

And then I reminded myself to approve of myself .

Exactly as I am.

I let go of the criticism.

Wanting to be any different than I actually am is a useless venture.

And approving of yourself feels amazing.

Looks amazing.

And results in amazing.

It creates ease, calm, contentment and joy.

And that is a much better place to be today.

I am not a grandma YET.

But when the time comes, I will be an approving, amazing, and fun one.


The School of Unlearning


Mind Cleaning Creates Ease