Momentous Morning

My life a year ago looked very different.

The world also looked very different.

I took a leap, began to trust my experience and passions, and believed in myself.

And amazing things happened.

Not without struggle and pain- lots of it..

Life is 50/50 after all.

Today, I hope to inspire all of you.

After the storm- literally and figuratively (in SF this week) the sun always comes out.

Sharing to not be invisible

to practice the capacity to have

to be an example of what's possible

And with the hope to inspire even just one of you

If I can change, at my age in the midst of a pandemic- so can you

If you choose to believe in yourself

to show up with love and compassion for yourself and others

and authenticity

and lots of courage,

change, growth and transformation are 100 percent possible

So many emotions and reflections this morning

but at this moment

just pausing and being present with all the feels of....

1. My youngest child starting high school this morning, even if from home

2. Mindful Connections, my first group coaching program, starting this week

3. Pause and Presence Coaching, my coaching business, meeting a huge milestone this week

4. Starting my coaching program for fellows at Stanford for the 20-21 academic year this week

5. Submitting a requested proposal to create physician coaching program for a large healthcare institution

6. Being able to share my love of yoga and build community during regular yoga classes with beautiful people and friends all over the country

Life is short.

Why not decide to embrace your authentic self and see what happens?

It wont look like my journey and every step won't be wonderful-- guaranteed- but the experience will be journey - a beautiful one of feeling alive.

So much gratitude to my husband and sons who believe in me much more than I believe in myself

and to two other very special women physicians who were pivotal in my journey--

Dr. Angela Wong, who says what she thinks and what she knows you need to hear


Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang who pushes me out of invisibility almost daily, but does so with as she says "utmost respect and sisterly love and compassion."

Looking forward to the next chapter.


Calm is Contagious


A "Want To Do" List