Telling a Better Story Makes It a Better Story

You can decide that your relationship or day or life is difficult.

Or you can call it something different.

You can choose a different word and a different story.

Because it serves you better.

You can decide it is just “a relationship” or a day or a moment in time

You can also intentionally decide that it is an amazing relationship/day/moment.

Wanting what you have

makes it feel much better.

When you stop trying to fix it or change the other person or better them, or fight reality

you can focus on enjoying them and it. As they are.

Relationships and life are much more amazing.

Usually, you decided to spend your life with someone, because they have some good parts.

And you have made some good decisions along the way.

When you remember that this relationship with your partner and the children you have, and a medical or law degree or …. were something you almost always very much wanted in the past.

Something you chose,

you then remember why you chose it.

These thoughts help you experience your relationships and your life in a better new way.

When you chose to show up as if the relationship is amazing and your partner is amazing,

it is much more amazing.

It isn’t polyana. It is a tool.

When you choose to show up with love there is much more love.

When you choose to show up with curiosity there is much more intrigue.

When you choose to show up with humor there is much more laughter.

When you choose to enjoy the other person's quirks and idiosyncrasies instead of wishing them away, they are much more likely to enjoy your quirks and idiosyncrasies.

All this makes quarantine much better for everyone.

If you want to learn how to do this in your own life and relationships, reach out. It changes everything!


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