Mindful Metamorphosis

People ask me how I transformed myself over the last few years.

The combination of mindfulness and mindful coaching was the secret.

Together they are synergistic.

Together they led me to a “mindful metamorphosis.”

Caterpillar into butterfly

These tools allowed me to

breathe more deeply,

think more clearly,

be more present,

find more peace,

live more authentically,

And feel more alive.

Who doesn't need this right now?

Breath, mindfulness, and mind management create space.

Even and especially in the midst of chaos.

Space allows you to explore.

A mindful coach is your personal tour guide for the exploration.

They help you see and discover all the hidden yet eye-opening things creating your life experience as it is that you would otherwise miss.

Through coaching, you discover both the good and the not helpful.

You learn, grow, and transform.

With intention, you let go of clutter and junk getting in your way and holding you back- thoughts, beliefs, and stuff.

And then you get to choose with intention what you want to fill the empty space with.

Stresses and challenges will no doubt continue.

They are part of life.

Not just in 2020.

This year has been one of forced cocooning. Why not emerge from it a butterfly?

Why not start a simple mindfulness practice or uplevel the one you have?

These tools are preventive care and an empowerment tool.

It doesn’t have to be hard. There are many ways to be mindful and reap its rewards.

Living a mindful and clutter-free life will transform you and allow you to discover and create new levels of calm, contentment, and clarity no matter what else is happening around you.

Who doesn’t want to head into 2021 with these tools sharpened and at the ready?


What we have this today is what we have AND we have possibilities left


The School of Unlearning