What we have this today is what we have AND we have possibilities left

Just as a moment in time is flawed it can also be perfect.

Just as we are flawed we can also be viewed as perfect.

Accepting and allowing without judgment is the essence of mindfulness and coaching.

It allows flow, ease, and letting go.

Giving up resistance to reality makes life more easeful.

When we accept what is as it is, and allow frustrations, restrictions, and limitations as they are, we have more space to breathe.

We can use the breath as a tool.

To activate our parasympathetic nervous system.

Shift our physiology, our energy, and our perspective.

From here we can see possibilities.

How we can practice and share yoga even with a sprained ankle.

How we can deep breathe despite the smoke and global warming.

How we can grow in spite of the chaos.

Love in the midst of anger.

Find compassion and kindness in the midst of so much unkindness.

Find connection in the midst of isolation.

What possibilities do you see?

What could be possible?


Finding Beauty in the Mess


Mindful Metamorphosis